Are you ready to let your company enter the 4.0 model?
Improves the mood of workers and internal relationships
Work area oxygenation with filtered external primary air
Pleasant and proactive work environment
Healthy and productive thermal microclimate, thanks to the elimination of natural filtering powders
Reduces the drops in attention
Dust elimination to breathe fresh and clean air and great change and oxygenation of indoor air
Increase of workers’ corporate reputation
A company that proves to think of its workers is a company for which its workers will always give their best
Result? Greater performance capacity
Not words but concrete facts
Tangible results
Healthy and clean air to breathe well at work
It cleans the air making it fresh, clean and totally renewed and not recycled as it happens in traditional air conditioning systems. Our systems effectively solve microclimate, oxygenation and pollution problems in the work environment.
Decreasing of suffocating temperatures guaranteeing an excellent humidity / temperature ratio
Over 24° C, productivity drops by 3.7% for each additional degree perceived and above 33° C even by 5% per degree. Already at 35° C ambient temperature, over 48% of productivity is lost … only with SpringWind™ your profit does not become VAPORIZED!
Careful operators, without accidents!
SpringWind™ is the source of well-being that increases attention. It reduces accidents at work and improves the positive attitude of the workers, reducing internal conflicts
Unbelievable energy consumption
Low energy consumption, ecological and green
Result? 100% Productivity, Always!
Give a gift to your company and your workers,
contact us today
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